Shooting Games

This thread was on my own personal Twitter the other day. It will explain some of the rationale behind the exercises in this PDF, which is downloadable here for £5. I started coaching in 2008. It wasn't until 2014 in Mexico that the penny finally dropped. Constraints lead approach, games based, teaching games for understanding etc. I was playing this game with U7 boys, and it all clicked. At that point, I had worked in USA, Canada, Kuwait, Singapore, as well as Mexico and England. I'd had a crack at the UEFA B by then, and done all three FA youth modules. I even had a degree in football studies. So much knowledge and experience, yet it took years to make sense. I had an hour session with them. Twelve showed up. Our club had recently bought lots of goals. I had intended to do this kind of exercise for only around fifteen minutes or so, but did it for the entire time. While observing them in this activity, I noticed so many things were happening. It was by far the most engaged t...